Gain Unique Insights Into Your Personal Osteoporosis Genetics Picture
In A Simple, All-In-One, One-Time Test
Which OsteoIQ ™Optimal Genomics Test
Is Right For You?
GET OSTEOIQ TM Optimal Genomics

Step-By-Step Process for
OsteoIQ™ Optimal Genomics
Step 1:
Purchase the test here on the OsteoIQ™ website.
Step 2:
We’ll send you a special test kit directly to your home.
Step 3:
Follow the easy, step-by-step instructions in your kit.
Step 4:
Swab your cheek and drop it in the vial provided in your kit.
Step 5:
Mail your vial back to our lab with the prepaid label in your kit.
Step 6:
Register your kit barcode and create your OsteoIQ™ Insights Portal account.
Step 7:
We’ll send you an email in 15-20 business days (3-4 weeks) with a link to view your test results in the OsteoIQ™ Insights Portal (very easy to access, even if not tech savvy).
Step 8:
Review your test results, unique OsteoIQ™ Score & Risk Report, key genetic insights, and actionable recommendations for stronger bones.
Step 9:
Complete your OsteoIQ™ Score by purchasing an OsteoIQ™ Active Monitoring Test to track your bone building progress over time.
Which OsteoIQ ™Optimal Genomics Test
Is Right For You?
What It Does:

Identifies specific genetic markers within your DNA that influence bone density and health.

Assesses your genetic predisposition to osteoporosis and other bone-related conditions.

Provides personalized guidance based on your individual genetic profile to support long-term bone health.

Establishes a genetic baseline for monitoring and maintaining optimal bone health throughout your life.
This test is only required once in your lifetime and offers a strong foundation for creating a proactive, personalized plan to improve bone strength, slow bone loss, and reduce your risk of fractures.

Who Should Take This Test?
If you're concerned about osteoporosis, bone health, or have a family history of bone-related conditions, the OsteoIQ™ Optimal Genomics Test delivers critical, scientifically-backed information to help you make informed decisions about your bone health based on your osteoporosis genetics and DNA.