Are You Winning Or Losing The Fight Against Bone Loss? Find Out Today
In A Simple, All-In-One Test, Done Every 3, 6, or 12 Months

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OsteoIQ™ Active Monitoring

OsteoIQ™ Active Monitoring

(Bone Turnover Marker Bundle - CTX + P1NP Tests)

Get this powerful test combo to stop losing, start improving, and track your stronger bones progress.

  • Contains both CTX and P1NP Bone Turnover Marker tests
  • Shows active bone loss plus bone building activity
  • See bone health improvements in weeks to months (not years)
  • Personalized results report with OsteoIQ™ score and recommendations
  • Pairs well with OsteoIQ™ Optimal Genomics for complete bone health picture
  • Repeat every 3, 6, or 12 months to track progress
  • Subscribe & Save to get reminder when it’s time for your next test
  • This test is only available for purchase in the United States (except for NY, NJ, and RI)

Your birthdate and gender are required to complete your order and accurately assign your results.

Step-By-Step Process for
OsteoIQ™ Active Monitoring Test


Step 1:

Purchase test on OsteoIQ™ website.


Step 2:

Receive your requisition in our secure OsteoIQ Results Portal.


Step 3:

You take requisition to a Labcorp near you (you can print it or show on your mobile device).


Step 4:

Get blood draw in the morning while fasted.


Step 5:

Receive results in our OsteoIQ Results Portal within 5-7 business days.


Step 6:

Be happy knowing you’re an educated, empowered advocate for your own health.


Step 7:

Track your bone building progress on autopilot with a 3, 6, or 12 month subscription.


Step 8:

Complete your OsteoIQ™ Score by purchasing an OsteoIQ™ Optimal Genomics Test to understand your unique genetic insights and risk score.

Recommended OsteoIQ™
Active Monitoring Test Frequency:

Every 3 months if:

  • You’re actively losing bone at an accelerated rate
  • Before starting a bone medication or BHRT
  • 3 months into the use of a medication or BHRT
  • On a bone medication and want to monitor its effectiveness
  • Stopping a medication and/or transitioning to another medication
  • You’re focused on optimizing your bone building efforts

Every 6 months if:

  • Bone loss is elevated but not accelerated
  • You’re unsure of the current status of your bone loss and bone building activity
  • You’re focused on optimizing your bone building efforts

Every 12 months if:

  • You’re not losing bone
  • You are focused on maintenance or optimizing your bone health
  • You want to monitor at the bare minimum your budget will allow

OsteoIQ™ Active Monitoring Every 3, 6, or 12 Months

Track Your Bone Health in Real Time

The OsteoIQ Active Monitoring Test is a recurring bone turnover marker test designed to track how your bones are changing over time.

By measuring the levels of specific bone turnover markers, this test helps you and your healthcare provider monitor bone formation and bone resorption (breakdown), so you can adjust your treatment and lifestyle approach as needed.


What It Does:

  • Tracks your bone formation and resorption markers at regular intervals (every 3, 6, or 12 months).
  • Monitors the effectiveness of your bone health regimen or osteoporosis treatment.
  • Provides early warnings of bone loss or changes before they appear in bone density scans.
  • Helps you stay proactive by allowing you to make real-time adjustments to your lifestyle, diet, or medications.

Who Should Take This Test?

The OsteoIQ Active Monitoring Test is ideal for anyone already taking steps to manage bone health or osteoporosis.
Whether you’re on treatment or using natural methods, regular monitoring helps ensure your efforts are working and allows for adjustments based on your body’s current needs.


Frequently Asked Questions

What are bone turnover markers, why are they important, and why should I use them to monitor my bone health?

Bone turnover markers (BTMs) are a series of protein or protein derivative biomarkers released during bone remodeling by the cells that build up (osteoblasts) and break down (osteoclasts) bone. These markers serve as leading indicators as to what’s going on with your bones in between your DEXA scans. You no longer have to wait two years to see if your efforts are working. Now you can see results in months so you’re not guessing if the things you’re doing are helping or hurting your bones. If you’re concerned that you’re actively losing bone right now, OsteoIQ™ Active Monitoring Test helps identify bone loss so you can address the underlying issues and stop bone loss in its tracks to prevent future fractures.

Reference: Bone Turnover Markers in the Diagnosis and Monitoring of Metabolic Bone Disease

Why use OsteoIQ™ instead of just going through my doctor?

If a doctor doesn’t understand the interpretation of a test, they are less likely to order it for you. They may refer you out to a specialist, but that specialist may not order the test either. A lot of time can be lost in this process of trying to get bone turnover markers and the other tests offered by OsteoIQ™. OsteoIQ™ simplifies this process by making these tests easy, affordable, and accessible so you don’t waste the most precious thing we have — time. At the same time, you should absolutely still work with your doctor to make the best decisions with your health.

How will my bone turnover marker test results & OsteoIQ™ Active Monitoring Test be affected if I’ve already had a fracture?

Bone turnover markers (CTX & P1NP) can be elevated for anywhere from 4 to 12 months after a fracture. Hip fracture leads to the most pronounced elevation, while a fracture of the foot or hand may not lead to as significant of an elevation. With that said, you will still want to get a baseline OsteoIQ™ Active Monitoring Test measurement now, so you can monitor future changes and fracture healing over time.

Reference: Effect of fracture on bone turnover markers: a longitudinal study comparing marker levels before and after injury in 113 elderly women.

How frequently should I get my bone turnover markers and OsteoIQ™ Active Monitoring Test run?

If you are/were actively losing bone, measure your serum CTX and P1NP bone turnover markers every 3-6 months until these markers improve (this can help prevent surprises at your next bone density scan). If they are not improving, there is still a root cause issue that needs to be addressed. In order to get to the root of the issues causing bone loss, we recommend visiting, our trusted resource for natural bone health solutions and programs for stronger bones.

The recommended OsteoIQ™ Active Monitoring Test frequency we find that is most helpful for our clients is as follows:

Get your baseline measurement today.

If you are actively losing bone, get your test again in 3-6 months to see if you’re improving.
Test 3 months into the use of a medication or Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (if applicable).

Test when stopping a medication and before transitioning to another.

Test at each year mark (every 12 months minimum).

Should I complete my OsteoIQ™ Active Monitoring Test while fasted?

Yes. You should complete your OsteoIQ™ Active Monitoring Test while fasted. Bone turnover is highest in the early morning and decreases significantly by lunchtime. Additionally, meals suppress bone turnover markers, particularly bone resorption. So, getting them earlier in the day, while fasted, is preferred.

How long does my test requisition last?

While we encourage you to complete your lab testing as soon as possible so you can start tracking your numbers and making informed decisions about your bone health, your test requisition is valid for one year from the date it was issued.

Will I have to pay anything else at the lab, or are all fees covered?

No, you do not have to pay anything when you go for your test. Your purchase includes all fees, so there are no additional costs at the lab. Simply bring your test requisition, complete your lab work, and you're all set!

What do I do if my results show that I’m still actively losing bone?

There could be many reasons that bone loss is taking place, and oftentimes it’s more than just hormones. In order to get to the root of the issues causing bone loss, we recommend visiting, our trusted resource for natural bone health solutions and programs for stronger bones.

Also, if you are still actively losing bone present day, get on a subscription for the OsteoIQ™ Active Monitoring Test every 3 to 6 months until those markers improve. Once they improve within the proper range, and you can see bone resorption coming down, bone formation coming up, and the ratio between the two improving, you can drop to an OsteoIQ™ Active Monitoring Test every 12 months.

What type of lab collection are each of your tests?

The OsteoIQ™ Optimal Genomics Test is an at-home cheek swab. It's a simple, one-time, at home DNA test that helps you easily analyze key genetic markers for Osteoporosis with a saliva test.
The OsteoIQ™ Active Monitoring, Active Bone Loss & Bone Building Tests are all blood tests. For these tests, you'll receive a test requisition and go into a Labcorp near you to have them drawn.

Are the results of the tests easy to read and understand?

Unlike other lab results that only include a number result, we go further by offering detailed explanations of what your results mean and actionable steps to address them. Once your results are ready, you'll gain access to our online portal, which includes:

  • Information on each specific lab test and its importance.
  • Your unique results and how they compare to functional lab ranges.
  • Practical steps to improve these areas of your health.

This ensures you not only understand your results but also know exactly how to take action.

Is OsteoIQ™ HIPAA compliant?

The OsteoIQ™ test results portal is compliant with all HIPAA guidelines to protect personal health information and ensure data privacy and security.