Are You Winning Or Losing The Fight Against Bone Loss? Find Out Today
In A Simple, All-In-One Test, Done Every 3, 6, or 12 Months

Step-By-Step Process for
OsteoIQ™ Active Monitoring Test
Step 1:
Purchase test on OsteoIQ™ website.
Step 2:
Receive your requisition in our secure OsteoIQ Results Portal.
Step 3:
You take requisition to a Labcorp near you (you can print it or show on your mobile device).
Step 4:
Get blood draw in the morning while fasted.
Step 5:
Receive results in our OsteoIQ Results Portal within 5-7 business days.
Step 6:
Be happy knowing you’re an educated, empowered advocate for your own health.
Step 7:
Track your bone building progress on autopilot with a 3, 6, or 12 month subscription.
Step 8:
Complete your OsteoIQ™ Score by purchasing an OsteoIQ™ Optimal Genomics Test to understand your unique genetic insights and risk score.
Recommended OsteoIQ™
Active Monitoring Test Frequency:

Every 3 months if:
- You’re actively losing bone at an accelerated rate
- Before starting a bone medication or BHRT
- 3 months into the use of a medication or BHRT
- On a bone medication and want to monitor its effectiveness
- Stopping a medication and/or transitioning to another medication
- You’re focused on optimizing your bone building efforts

Every 6 months if:
- Bone loss is elevated but not accelerated
- You’re unsure of the current status of your bone loss and bone building activity
- You’re focused on optimizing your bone building efforts

Every 12 months if:
- You’re not losing bone
- You are focused on maintenance or optimizing your bone health
- You want to monitor at the bare minimum your budget will allow

Who Should Take This Test?
The OsteoIQ™ Active Monitoring Test is ideal for anyone already taking steps to manage bone health or osteoporosis.
Whether you’re on treatment or using natural methods, regular monitoring helps ensure your efforts are working and allows for adjustments based on your body’s current needs.